Network of Assessment Directors (The DAC Network)

The purpose of this group is to support the work of district assessment coordinators/directors in Washington State by:

  • Disseminating information about assessment and assessment–related activities
  • Sharing resources and strategies
  • Learning together on key topics related to assessment and student data
  • Surfacing and discussing issues and strategies regarding our work
  • Advocating for best practices in assessment and the use of student data
The Network meets at least twice a year: 
  1. Every August to discuss the spring assessment data, share strategies for addressing our work, and hear from OSPI what to look for in the coming year.
  2. Each December at the WERA/OSPI Annual Conference, to network on the topics of high interest to assessment coordinators and directors presented during the conference.

To facilitate network connections and collaboration, the Network also provides the DAC Safety Net. This is a database with contact information for our school district assessments coordinators along with information about the assessments, student information systems, and data visualization tools used by each district.  Our coordinators’ information is being updated for 2024-25 and a link will be posted here in January 2025.

For more information about the Network of Assessment Directors, please contact any of the Network planning team: