


Section 1.

The name of the organization is the Washington Educational Research Association.

Section 2.

The purposes of the association are to:

A. Promote research, improvement, evaluation, and assessment practices and programs including those that identify systemic disparities and advance equity, justice, and advancement for every student;

B. Identify and define educational issues and provide a forum for their discussion;

C. Assist in the dissemination of research and evaluation findings;

D. Promote professional development experiences for personnel who are engaged in educational research, evaluation, assessment, instruction, and related activities.



Section 1.

A. Membership is available to individuals interested in educational research, assessment, and evaluation. Members shall have all rights and responsibilities, including that of voting.

B. Student Associate membership is available to undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in educational research, assessment, and evaluation, and who are not employed full-time in an education-related position during their course of study. Student Associate members have all rights and responsibilities, including that of voting.

C. Member Emeritus status may be conferred to a member by the Executive Board at any time and shall be announced at a business meeting of association members. To be eligible for Member Emeritus status an individual must be retired from full-time education-related employment responsibilities and must have been an active member of WERA. Additionally, the individual must have made a significant contribution to the fulfillment of the WERA mission. A Member Emeritus has all rights and responsibilities, including that of voting, and will not be required to pay membership dues or conference registration fees.

D. Membership shall become effective upon acceptance of an application and payment of dues as determined by the Executive Board. Membership fees accepted after May 1 shall be effective beginning September 1 of that year.

E. The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31.



Section 1.

The officers of the association are: President, Immediate Past-President, President Elect, OSPI Representative, and five Members-at-Large.

Section 2.

The officers will hold office for a period of one year from the time they assume office or until a successor has been installed or appointed, with the exception of Members-at-Large, who will serve three-year terms.

Section 3.

A. President. The President is executive head of WERA. He/she shall, with the aid of the Executive Board, develop programs for such meetings as may be scheduled, preside at all such meetings, appoint committees, and with the approval of the Executive Board, shall select an Executive Secretary. He/she shall carry out the instructions of the Executive Board and be an ex-officio member of all committees. At the end of the term as president, he/she shall prepare a written summary report of the activities of WERA during that term and present the summary to the Board at its annual retreat.

B. Immediate Past-President. The Immediate Past-President shall attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Board. The Immediate Past-President shall chair the association’s spring conference during his/her term as Past-President.

C. President Elect. The President Elect will be the President for the coming year. In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall assume his/her duties.

D. Members-at-Large. The Members-at-Large shall be elected to staggered three-year terms. They shall attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Executive Board. The Members-at-Large shall assist in the planning of the association’s conferences and be responsible for WERA projects assigned by the President.

E.  OSPI Representative.  The OSPI Representative is appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction (or designee).  The OSPI Representative is expected to attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Executive Board with the intent of fostering a partnership and close working relationship between WERA and OSPI.

F.  Ex-Officio Members.  The Executive Board may appoint a non-voting, ex-officio member to represent an important constituent group not elected to the Board.

Section 4.

The officers of the association constitute the voting members of the Executive Board. In addition, the Executive Secretary shall be an ex officio, non-voting, member of the Board. The Board’s responsibilities are to:

A. Transact business as may be directed by the association and this constitution;

B. Enter into a contract for the services of an Executive Secretary as needed for the association;

C. Recommend dues for the association;

D. Review the Constitution and propose amendments to the general membership as needed.

E. Review and/or adopt policies and operating procedures for the association.



Section 1.

A nominating committee will be appointed by the President. The committee will present nominations for each of the officer and at-large board positions to the Executive Board on or before December 1 of each year. To be eligible for office, candidates shall be voting members of WERA. The nominating committee will attempt to present nominees who represent geographic, institutional, and job-related diversity. The slate of candidates will be announced to the membership with provisions made for further nominations. The names of additional candidates for any office will be placed on the final ballot upon receipt of such a written nomination signed by five voting members.

Section 2.

The President shall arrange for the presentation of the slate of candidates to the members by the first week in February with all voting to be completed by the third Friday in February. In cases where there are more than two candidates for an office or board position, the Hare voting system shall be used.

Section 3.

The ballots will be counted by the President, President Elect and the Executive Secretary. In the case of tie votes, the winner will be selected by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 4.

The newly elected officers will assume their responsibilities May 15.

Section 5.

The OSPI Representative to the board will be reviewed annually by the current WERA President and the Superintendent of Public Instruction (or designee).

Section 6.

In case of vacancy in the Presidency during the normal term of office, the President Elect will assume the responsibilities of the Presidency. In the case of all other elected officers, the Executive Board may fill the vacancy with a voting member either by appointment or by calling a special election.



Section 1.

The association shall contract for the services of an Executive Secretary selected by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board. The annual contract shall be approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Secretary position will be reviewed annually with notice of either a continued contract for services or dismissal provided by the President on or before June 1 of each year. The Executive Board may also choose to negotiate a 2-year contract with the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall be an ex officio, non-voting, member of the Executive Board.


Section 2.

The Executive Secretary is charged with the following duties and responsibilities:


A. Serve as secretary to the Executive Board, fulfilling such duties as: recording, preparing and disseminating accurate and timely minutes of each meeting; handling all correspondence as directed by the President or Executive Board; maintaining an accurate membership list; preparing membership materials; reproducing and disseminating WERA publications; securing necessary office supplies and materials; and producing new board member training materials.

B. Serve as Treasurer to the Executive Board fulfilling such duties as: maintaining accurate and timely financial statements and records; jointly with the President preparing and recommending an annual budget; establishing a close working relationship with association vendors and conference co-sponsoring individuals or agencies; recommending sound investment practices; preparing and disseminating in a timely manner an annual billing for membership dues; maintaining a record of all receipts and expenditures of WERA in a depository account approved by the Executive Board; and preparing an annual financial report to be submitted to WERA membership as designed by the Executive Board.

C. Serve as WERA Historian in fulfilling such responsibilities as producing a historical record of WERA and maintaining a file on WERA activities, conference proceedings and other significant events.

D. Serve as Conference Registrar in fulfilling such responsibilities as: preparing conference and workshop fliers; promoting conference and workshop attendance; coordinating  WERA conference planning activities and schedules with joint sponsors; registering conference and workshop participants; providing accurate billing statements; fulfilling disbursement requirements in a timely manner; and securing an annual audit report.

E. Fulfill all other responsibilities as directed by the President and Executive Board, including entering into contracts with service providers and others.



Section 1. The association shall conduct a business meeting once a year unless additional meetings are called by the Executive Board.

Section 2. A quorum consists of voting members of the association present at a meeting called at least two weeks in advance.



Section 1.

The annual fee for  membership in WERA will be determined by the Executive Board.



Section 1.

Contracts. The Executive Board may enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the association, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 2.

Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the association, shall be signed by one of the following: President, President Elect, or Executive Secretary.  Checks issued to a person may not be signed by that person.

Section 3.

Deposits. All funds of the association shall be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of the association in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Executive Board may select.

Section 4.

Gifts. The Executive Board may accept on behalf of the association any contribution, gift, bequest, or grant for general purposes or for any special purpose of the association.

Section 5.

Audit. There shall be an annual audit of the financial records and transactions of the association. An auditing committee will be appointed by the President and will be responsible for the audit.



Section 1.

The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members in attendance at a regular or special meeting of the association, providing a copy of the proposed amendment has been made available to all voting members at least two weeks prior to the meeting; or by a two-thirds vote of those members voting on a ballot provided to all voting members.



Section 1.

In all matters not covered by its constitution and policies and operating procedures, this organization shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. The President is empowered to appoint a parliamentarian.


Updated: 7/2016